Monday, March 23, 2009

My Son: Armed and Dangerous

Jordan calls this morning, once again apologizing for the ticket and sharing some ideas about what he may want to do to fight the cost of the ticket. Then he proceeds to tell me that the police officer had accused Jordan, or thought Jordan had stolen the van...kidnapped the girl he was giving a ride to AND was drunk, because his eyes were red from the time of night and lack of sleep. By the time Jordan was finished explaining the whole episode, I was a little IRATE at the assumptions that had been made about my son and the stupidity of the whole scenario. Like there are no 'out of state cars' in Rexburg Idaho!!!! Or single girls in a car with a young CLEAN CUT returned missionary!! OR red eyed students from long nights of studying, traveling or just dating!!! OR young men going over the speed limit by 8MPH!!!!!! I think Jordan was a little raked over the coals UNJUST FULLY!!! And he was feeling like quite the loser this morning apologizing for having the car only 4 hours before he got a ticket, probably increasing our ins rates and the cost of the ticket. He claims he'll pay for all of it...but he has no job yet and he has no means to cover the expenses - just the desire to be a good kid. He called himself a loser. I then raked him over the coals and told him to snap out of it and focus on his grades, dating and getting through this semester. By the time we hung up, he was feeling better and promised to keep all his legal weapons hidden and his foot off the gas pedal. He at least hung up laughing, which is what i wanted to accomplish.
Now, I get to go home and tell Del.
No more laughing.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Poor guy - this makes me sad. Tell Jordan that the Smiths think he's a great kid and a great catch for some lucky young lady.
Have enjoyed your posting from the road!