So, do I have her go through a crash course over the next 8 months??? Or is it just too late???
I guess she'll be like every other young adult and learn the lessons of leaving home on her own...I imagine there will be a lot of phone calls the 2nd month she is away. Nothing the first month, as she won't want me to know that she's lost and needs me...but the second month? That's when it will hit...the tears, the pleading to come home and the shock of not having someone to take care of her. That's when it will be time to grow up and actually become everything she already thinks she adult.
And my job? It will be to love her and comfort her through it her the strength and encouragement she needs to stretch her comfort zone and be a big girl on her own.
Kathryn has never lacked in confidence...she's just a little lazy in being the independant adult she thinks she is.
It will be interesting to watch her figure it all out.
But there's still SOME time to work on a few things...should we start with putting the blanket away? Or at least having her keep it in her room?
Maybe I'll start with something a little doing her own laundry...
Yup. She will call. Just like I did but she will learn just like I did too.
She and my Tibi sound like twins in regards to their personalities. We might as well get each other through these next few years, we're probably going to need all the help we can get...The hardest part is letting them make their own choices and watching them suffer the consequences. As long as they learn what they are supposed to and then move on forward and upward.
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