Sunday, February 14, 2010

Madam Librarian

I've been put out to pasture: given the 'old lady calling'. One week after turning 50, this was the ward calling I received; the ward librarian. I barely know how to run a copy machine - and have no clue as to how to copy a two-sided paper. This will be interesting.... plus, no-body talks to me once they have their dry-erase markers, color crayons and scissors. It's a very lonely place.
But, with all the quiet and alone time, I have taken the opportunity to read my scriptures. It's like being in the temple where you see everyone sitting quietly and reading. I love it. I have had a few very spiritual and touching moments in my 'alone' time while reading and pondering my thoughts. I'm wondering if this calling is a blessing in disguise. I'm using it, whether intended or not, for that purpose; to be a blessing in my life.
So far, so good.

1 comment:

Vicki said...

Don't could be the Stake Relief Society President. That librarian job doesn't sound so bad to me...( I actually LOVE my calling)