Mononucleosis...her throat is so full of infection that it has been making her throw up. She hasn't been able to keep anything down and is so exhausted. So I took off work yesterday and took her to the doctor again. The doctor looked at her throat and said it was one of the worst cases she had ever seen. Blood work was done - test was immediately positive - they are also going to test the blood to make sure there is no liver and spleen damage going on - .
And then the shots came....4 pricks later she had been given a pain killer for the discomfort and phenergan for the throwing up. Within in an hour, she was finally comfortable for the first time in days.
Now, it's REST REST REST mixed with any amount of fluids I can get down her. She did start throwing up again last night but then slept through the night after only getting up once for pain pills. Hopefully, we will start to see some improvement in about a week.
She is now registered for one online class at BYU Idaho in order to hold her spot on her track. All other classes and her apartment reservation have been cancelled. She has turned in her current online class materials, took her final for English 3 which she passed with flying colors and still has the final to take for her Nutrition class. She will then be a high school graduate - officially. Heavy sigh.
I can see SOME progress. She's had no Internet, face book, phone or driving privileges. She's only worked and stayed home sick, always with supervision. She's never left alone and seems to be comfortable with this new lifestyle we are enforcing. She has no social life, except for family, and will continue that way until we see fit to change any of the rules.
It's been the first two weeks of a 6 month journey and so far, so good.
I know better than to hold my breath though for fear of instant death.
Some lessons are learned a little quicker than others.
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