looks absolutely adorable - the good.
This is Lacey protecting her new puppy.
the HOA saying that my BYU flag had
to come down. Del volunteered...
by the fact that BYU won their first game against
Washington tonight...the flag WILL go back out.
Just in a different place and displayed according
to HOA policy. But it WILL go out!!!
This weekend has also been an emotional roller coaster since Thursday night.
I spoke with my mom on Wednesday about some other issues and she mentioned that daddy had been sleeping a lot the past few days, and had, in fact, slept solid for almost two days. She was concerned but didn't notice any other symptoms.
Thursday, Rebecca went over to the house and she checked in on dad and he was not looking well, plus, Becca felt that he was warm with a fever. She had Lance and Uncle Floyd give daddy a blessing and then they took him to an Urgent Care Center. A chest xray showed his lungs looked suspicious and he had a high fever...he was sent to the hospital. Another chest xray was taken and they said he appeared to have advanced stages of pneumonia and full of infection. They admitted him to the hospital.
Things got worse from there. His blood pressure dropped and he has a urinary tract infection that is causing some septic infection issues...and when they try to give him the IV antibiotics and other medicines and fluids, his blood pressure drops to drastic levels. His white blood count was out the ceiling and he has been in and out of the ICU for a few days.
Today, it appears that they have him somewhat stabilized with the medications, trying to keep his blood pressure down while monitoring him day and night still in the ICU. Doctors and nurses say he is very sick but they have seen worse.
My question would be, 'But have the worse lived?'
This is going to take a severe toll on daddy. I'm not quite sure he will ever fully recover from this. I have had some gut wrenching feelings that things may be winding down for my daddy. It almost paralyzes me to think he may go soon. I'm not ready for that. Not sure ANY of us are.
But he has accomplished a lot over these past 12 months - a family reunion with all his children; then another with his siblings. He and mom have finished their life history for us and have it on DVD for each family member. He sang with the Mormon Tabernacle Choir, a life long dream and he and mom bought a home. Some very significant achievements.
But in our minds, he has so much more to do. He has grandchildren that still need patriarchal blessings and grandchildren that need to have him perform their sealings of marriage. He has great - grandchildren on the way and we would like him to MEET them on THIS side of the veil instead of SENDING them off on the other side of the veil.
But I also don't want him to suffer - or be uncomfortable. I don't want it prolonged if it's what should be.
So, I guess we'll see how he endures this challenge. How we ALL endure this challenge.
With the prayers that are being offered in his behalf, he may not have the choice but to stick it out a little while longer.
But we'll be sure to make it worth his while!!!
Hope he sees it that way.
Hope the LORD sees it that way.
1 comment:
For some reason, we think these men are going to live forever. I know I think that, yet mom is the one that is hanging on, as your mom did. It will devastate me when my parents leave too. It's like I'm 8 years old all over again.
(HOAs are stupid) TO WANDA!!
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