Sunday, May 15, 2011

Roller Coaster of MUSIC

Music does that to me.
Probably the only thing in the world that can reduce me instantly to tears.
Has always been such a powerful force in my life...touched me to the core of my soul.
Of course, being a singer, it has even more of an influence in my life than for most other people, but happen to know that music can, and does, have the same profound touch in others lives as it does in mine.
It takes me to the highest of my joyful highs and can take me to the depths of my deepest despair.
It triggers any and every emotion I feel...instantly.
So....I write to music.
I choose my music carefully, depending on what I need to say....and how I need to say it.
I choose my music depending on how I want or need to feel...
I choose my music depending on who I am thinking about and what I want to say to them.
Most usually, my music is chosen by my heart.
When my heart is happy, I listen to Carpenters, or ABBA...rock -n-roll or music that just makes me smile.
When I am stressed, I listen to Boston, Eagles, Foreigner, Journey or something that makes me jam.
When content and at peace, I listen to Celine Dion, Michael Buble or country...
And when my heart is broken, I turn to Barbra Streisand, Sara Bareilles, Lionel Ritchie and Josh Grobin..or any love song that opens up the flood gates...
and I cry.
And the roller coaster ride is always intense....whether joyful or sorrowful, it's always intense.
My heart set to notes, staffs, rhythms and words.

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