Monday, June 25, 2012

I Need a Fairy Godmother!!!!

Bippidy, boppity..... BOO!!!!!!
And she better have a magical wand that can do some pretty wicked business for me!
This 'buying and moving into a new house' stuff has me pretty weirded out.
I'm having a hard time realizing that this house we keep going out to see in Aubrey is going to be ours.  We drive out two or three times a week, check out it's progress, see where things need to change or be different and then we leave.  It never really registers that the choices at the house and the changes I'm suggesting are for MY future home.  And the weeks seem to be stretching out longer and longer.
I have some REAL blessings I need to acknowledge...The whole 'coming together' of this home has been one whole blessing in itself..the timing, the finances..etc.  But along with it, I have some inner turmoil.
I love my job...finally.  And I really don't want to change it.  But I also realize that my job will now be almost an hour drive each way once we move into our home.  And with THAT realization, comes the realization that I know I won't be able to do that forever, if at all.  i will need to get a different job.  And yet, I can't do anything until we sign our loan on the 13th and close on the home...and then, I will need to do the actual moving and then somehow try to work full time through the whole thing....
So, I have been praying...went to the temple and have given much thought and contemplation about what I am supposed to do and how I am supposed to do it.  I have to work....I need a job.  I will have a new home, one that I really want but don't want to spend most of my days OUT of it because I am spending 11 plus hours at work.  And I am pretty certain that the Lord too, is aware of all these things.
So I'm asking Him...what do I do???
Last Friday I drove out to Aubrey alone.  I had gone to the bank, run a few other errands and then had planned on going into a few places to see if there were any job openings while also transferring my prescriptions to the little corner Aubrey Pharmacy.  I was wanting to start 'establishing' myself in this new little town I was going to be living in...meeting some of the 'neighbors', planting some roots.  I went in to the Pharmacy and gave them my one prescription, new address, name and personal info.  The young girl was sweet...Steve, the owner and Pharmacist came from around the counter to meet me.  I told him of our future plans and he was so friendly and kind and expressed his excitement at having us move to his town.  Near the end of my errand, I asked the young lady if she had an inside track on any of the places of business and if they were hiring.  Yes...the doctors office right next door, attached to the pharmacy, had just had the receptionist/office manager move out of town, and they would be hiring soon.  REALLY!!  She gave the information of the doctor and I made the call before leaving the building. Owner was out of town, but her tech, Heather, was excited and gave me encouragement to email in my resume and gave me great hope for a job interview this coming Friday...she would talk to the doctor today (Mon).  After I completed my business there, I drove out to our home...clocking it at 4 minutes and 48 seconds away from what might be my future job, Monday through Friday, 8:00 - 5:00.  I cried.  I was and am so hopeful...trying to evaluate if it's just co-incidence, wishful thinking, or truly the Lord has stepped in as I hoped He would.  But it hasn't even happened yet.
So, I place myself in the Lord's hands...with the exercising of much faith.  Do I want the job???  Of course, without even knowing what it entails or encompasses.  It would be ideal if I happened to love it too...But as someone pointed out to me, it's not just the next three weeks I need to put in the Lord's's my life, on a continual basis, that I need to allow Him to lead.  Not just when I need things to work out according to MY plan.  His plan my be different...may be even better...may be even the same.  But I need to have my life be His.  So much easier that way.
Back to that fairy Godmother I'm wishing for.....she would come in handy near moving time.  I hate much to pack...throw away, give away, sell and let go of.  The waving of her magic wand would be a dream come true...but as always, I'm realizing it's going to just come down to hard work and a lot of stress.  Plus dear family and friends who are already stepping forward to offer their time and strength on our moving days.
Last week, I was released as the Primary chorister.  My heart broke as several of the children expressed how much they would miss me.  I have come to love them...dearly.  I spoke in Sacrament meeting too, for Fathers Day.  It gave me such a sense of peace to realize I was able to express my honor and love for my sweet husband without any reservation or hesitation.  I adore him and expressed my adoration and love for him and the Priesthood he honorably bears.  What a blessing we enjoy as members of the church to have the Priesthood restored and once again upon the earth; and in my home.
Now...I am behind in blogging all the little days I am living right now.  It's too hard to write and express every emotion and experience I have been having lately.  But I didn't want to miss sharing the one or two significant moments I have enjoyed of the spirit testifying to me of truthfulness in daily events.  Going to the temple.  I mentioned it slightly, but last Saturday, I attended the temple with Del, for the first time in over a year.  And it was sweet...comfortable...and I was grateful.
Kylie has finally announced her pregnancy.  Yes, we are having another grand baby!!!  Kylie told us about two months ago and asked us to keep it quiet until she was ready to share.  So it is a relief to finally be able to share openly her joy and excitement about another baby.  She's just over three months...13 weeks, due the end of December.  This pregnancy is different.  She was never sick with Preston; this pregnancy already has her down 10 pounds from vomiting and not eating.  Poor thing.  She is more tired too...wiped out.  I wish I could help her more.  I also hope, it's a girl.
Jordan and Lexi have found an apartment and will be moving the day after we close on our home.  I am excited for them.  Their future looks very promising right now and I am thrilled!!!
BUT....the rest will have to be on hold...until after our move.  Unless something REALLY comes up that is 'BLOG' worthy, I will be taking a hiatus from the computer until I am settled into what will be the rest of my Aubrey Texas, in my new home 6650 Blackjack Oaks Road and at my new still be determined.
It's all in the Lord's hands from here...should have always been.

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