Thursday, December 26, 2013

Merry Christmas

What a wonderful day we had.
Everyone was home Christmas Eve - but it's something we realized is a little harder to handle than we thought necessary - mostly for the grandchildren.  After a wonderful dinner and the playing of some games by the adults, I was tired trying to put poor Madison down to bed in a strange house for her.  She ended up having to cry herself to sleep.  None of us got to sleep until past 1:00 a.m..
Christmas morning was so fun watching the kids open their presents.  Preston got cars, computer things, books and a fish...yes, a fish, which he named Buzz Lightyear.  Madison got stuffed animals, a doll and some clothes - as adults, we had decided to exchange names this year, so Kylie had mine and got me a BYU sweatshirt - and I had hers and got her a soft sweater.  Everyone was kind and generous.  Del and I didn't give each other gifts this year, except he did give me a $100 bill to spend on whatever of my choosing - and I did write him a Christmas letter full of love and promises for this coming year.

As a family, we started a new tradition - 'CHANGE a Life' jars - where every day, we save all of our change/coins and put it in our individual jars, which I made for each person.  Then, next year, the day before Christmas Eve, we will join all of our jars together, take the money to the bank and have it counted and then Christmas Eve, we will deliver it to whom we find the Lord wants us to give it.  We are pretty excited about it and the opportunity to think outside of our own little lives and more about the bigger picture.
Kylie is the only one who took pictures of our various activities, so as soon as she gets them to me, I will post some of them here to share.  Great memories.

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