Monday, January 13, 2014

Another Year, Another Birthday

Turned 54 this past weekend.
My birthday fell on a Friday, but we celebrated it at work on Thursday with flowers, a cake and going out to lunch.
Del was extremely busy on Friday, so we squeezed in dinner that night at Texas Roadhouse for a wonderful steak dinner and then celebrated Saturday, when Del spent the whole day with me.
We have been talking for weeks about our goals and plans for our backyard, garden and side of the house this year.  There is soooo much we want and need to do, so we narrowed some decisions down and then went to Lowes to price out how much it would cost to get it all done.
In the backyard, there will, of course, be the chicken coop and then Del is going to build a large shed/shop.  We bought books and plans for what he wants - plus, we are going to build a retaining wall on the side of the house, along with some other nice landscaping to form our fruit trees garden. - Lots of rocks, stone and gravel and walkways.  It's going to be lovely.
Del and I got lunch at Arby's before going to Sleep Mattress to look at possible beds.  Ours is/was 15 years old and had divots in it from years of sleeping in the same spot night after night.  We had talked about a bed two years ago, but instead, planted our $2000 garden.  But Del said it was time to look again, so we found one Saturday and it was delivered to us today.  Of course, I made the new bed when I got home, so you are looking at a picture of our 'made new bed.'  But we are going to sleep well tonight.
A very nice birthday weekend. I was especially thrilled for Del's undivided attention on Saturday.  He was loving and tender - wanted me to get what I wanted - wanted ME to be thought of first in the choosing of which bed, wanted ME to choose what to have for dinner - it was all about me.  He does that other times too, but it was nice to have him all to myself.
Fifty four isn't too bad...just give me my arthritis meds and my happy pills and fifty four will actually be GREAT!

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