Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Out of My Comfort Zone

I play the piano.
I don't play the organ.
A few weeks ago, Del called me into his 'office' at home, and as Bishop, called me to be the ward organist.
Like I said, I play the piano.  Not the organ.
This was WAY out of my realm of comfort - and I was petrified.
But I accepted.
I spent the next week, going to the church after work and for hours, practicing the organ.  I only knew a few basics - blend the notes, you can't play the organ like you do the piano...the pedals - the push buttons...it was all SOOOO overwhelming.  But I practiced every night for hours; not that it helped calm my nerves come Sunday morning the week after my call.
I played prelude and muddled through.  My hands were shaking so hard that I fumbled several of the notes on the opening song.  I had to finally tell myself to just 'calm down' or it would be a mess.  I made it through the first Sunday.
But the following two weeks have gotten better...and I've continued to practice practice practice, so as to at least, be familiar with the notes.
I'm not comfortable yet...don't know if I ever will be.  But my comfort zone is being stretched week to week, and I'm hoping, at some point, to say I have developed a 'new talent'.

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