Monday, December 2, 2019

I Named Her 'Rolling'

The week before Thanksgiving, I woke on Thursday night at midnight with a sharp pain in my lower right side.  I lay in bed for a few hours, feeling the pain gradually intensify, until I finally went to my computer to do some google research as to what it might be.  I was pretty sure it was my appendix.
After two more hours of pain and in and out of the bathroom a dozen times, I woke Del up telling him I was going to drive myself to the hospital while I still could.  Del's work has been absolutely CRAZY the past few weeks, with his day beginning around 6:00 am and not finishing until right around 7:00 the same night.  I knew he would not be able to be with me.  But I also knew that if I waited any longer, I wouldn't be able to get myself to the ER.
Long story was a stone: either a kidney stone or a gall stone.  And it hurt.  The pain was pretty intense and resulted with me in tears for a few hours.  I was there at 4:00 am and didn't receive any relief until about 10:00.  I had morphine, which did nothing, and then they gave me something else which did cut the pain.  But not knowing if the pain would return once the medicine wore off, they admitted me to the hospital to observe things for a few hours.  By 3:00, the assessed that the stone had passed from a CT scan and I was good to go home.  Kathryn and Ammon came to get me and take me and the car hone.  Del had come a few hours earlier to visit and check on me but wasn't able to stay.  Once I got home, I was fine, as if nothing had even happened.
I called my mother to tell her I was sure I had delivered a baby, so we decided to name the stone -

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