Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Time For Character Assessment as We Shelter in Place

This Talk by Elder Holland was in the recent Church News.
And it was good.
Since most of us throughout the world are living a Stay at Home and Shelter in place order, it leaves us isolated with just those that live in our homes.  Of course, that includes Kathryn and Ammon for our household.  Both Del and Ammo work from home so that leaves Kathryn and I with a lot of alone time together, or actually, alone.
I have taken some great time for scripture study and also for socializing via facebook and texting.  I have tried to think through some of my feelings and habits, digesting what is important and not important in my life.  This is certainly a time where I have realized things I was doing previously during my free time, is basically unnecessary and a pure waste of time - excess sleeping, watching tv, etc.  Now that ALL my time is free time, I have found that I enjoy reading more, studying more, baking and writing.  When I have more free time than I can do something with, THEN I do try to take a nap.  But I am trying to think and answer the questions this talk asks of me -
Do I like the company I am keeping when I am the only one in the room??
Character Assessment - who am I and what really matters to me??

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