Wednesday, January 5, 2022

COVID and Lightening

 It's the worst when it's the youngest, but yes, Peyton tested positive for Covid today.  Del has had it, I have had it, Kathryn and Ammon most likely have it now, but now it's Peyton's turn.  The doctor says we are to all quarantine for 5-8 days - go nowhere and stay away from everyone.  I was glad that I went to the temple today and that Del and Ammon work from home.  As soon as Kathryn's work was told about Peyton, they sent Kathryn home and said she can't come back until she tests negative for Covid.

My brother in law Mike is engaged.  Yes, Rachel's husband is engaged and will be getting married January 22nd.  I am truly happy for him.  I'm glad he has been able to find someone again that he loves.  Rachel is fuming, I just know it.  But Becca, me and Elaine are figuring that daddy is trying his best to keep Rachel from sending down BOLTS of lightening with direct hits to her home.  The thought makes me giggle....Not to worry Rach.  He's yours for eternity...

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