Sunday, March 20, 2022

Mexico Day 4

 Zip lining day.  And I was not thrilled.

I have spent the past 6 months losing weight and trying to feel and look healthier.  I told Del that if and when I lost the weight, I would be willing to try and do a few things that I had never tried before - basically, 'go outside of my comfort zone' and do something  I would probably regret.

For this trip - that was going to be zip lining.  I am petrified of heights - more than just that - it's a real phobia for me - to the point, that if I were close to the edge of a cliff, instead of enduring the fear of falling off, I would just jump - to be done with the fear.  I know it doesn't make sense to anyone but me - but it's real.  AND, I'm not real fond of hiking - both of which we were going to be doing.  

So, I put my big girl panties on and off we went on our adventure for the day.  It was also Phil's birthday.  I was able to have a nice private discussion with him about some of my difficulties growing up with him and how I have never felt a real connection with him, even as my brother.  I did tell him that I would try to maybe let things happen a little more naturally, but we both agreed that being siblings doesn't automatically mean that you have tender and loving feelings for that person.  We agreed we would probably never really be close, but that we could certainly be cordial and kind to each other when around each other.  

It was Garth and Annette, me and Del and Phil.  The speedboat ride out to the island was AAAMMAAAAzing - fast, beautiful scenery, saw a pirate boat and huge rock formations etc - about 45 minutes long.  By the time we arrived to the island, I already felt like our money had been well spent for the day.  We docked alongside some other speedboats and waited our turn to be helped off onto the dock.  Locals were everywhere, trying to sell their goods to the visitors on the island and I immediately flashed back to Chile - specifically Arica Chile.  The homes, the roaming chickens and dogs, the little children running around with no shoes and dirty clothes - clean clothes being hung out to dry, public bathrooms with painted doors - the whole picture was Chile for me.  My heart was very tender.

Our boat guide took us to a van that was waiting to drive us to the location where we would zip line.  Off we were, driving in and out of small spaces, single lane roads with oncoming traffic - pedestrians owning the dirt roads - I was totally relaxed enjoying the whole experience while the rest of the group had just ash-panic stricken looks on their faces.  Ha ha ha!  I remembered those days.

But I had never been zip lining before - so the 'look' came to my face soon enough.

The experience??  I did it - but I would probably never do it again.  If I hadn't of been latched on to the zip line, I probably would have let go and just dropped.  The height was petrifying - But the worst part of the whole thing?  Climbing up to each level on the mountain to get to the next zip line.  I have NO, I mean NO, ZIP, NADA leg strength and climbing was almost impossible for me to do.  The mountain was steep - the steps were steep and it finally got to the point that Garth was pulling me from in front while Del was pushing me from behind to even get me to the next point.  I was exhausted and was completely out of energy and strength to even hold on to the handles for the rope. I quickly acknowledged how I had no ability to keep myself going, so they had me rest for great lengths of time and then I was assisted by one of the young men each time I went down the line.  I had no idea that losing weight had caused me to have no muscle or ability to be strong.  By the time we had zipped down the last line, I was completely done - my body could not move.

Now.  I can say I zip lined.  There was even a moment that I was in awe of the whole experience.  But that moment was fleeting as I was trying desperately to stay focused on holding on to the bar so as not to end up upside down; which mind you, Garth, Annette and PHIL did on purpose.  Stupid people!

After zip lining, we were able to enjoy some of the other features of the excursion - feeding and petting birds, monkeys and other animals.  Del decided to go roaming down the street of this little village where he somehow, met this little old man who didn't understand a lick of English and Del , who didn't understand more than 'hola' and 'taco' in Spanish.  But this man has a horse - and somehow, Del ends up on this horse in costume of sombrero and blanket and having his picture taken.  I was humored by Del's excitement in telling the story.

My sweet Mexican cowbay.

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