yes, Del had another birthday in November - the 19th and he turned 53. We went out to Olive Garden where Mike and Kylie treated us to dinner and gave Del a generous gift to Home Depot. It was a fun evening with family and good food.
The pictures are of some fun events. The first three are of Del, Kathryn and me serving at the Bishop's storehouse a few days before Thanksgiving - and it was a blast, plus a real learning service project for us. The people were so deserving and fun to serve. It brought a great sense of relief to us to know that those many families would have such great food for the coming weeks and the holiday. I personally, was amazed at the supply of donations and food made available for those in need, and how organized the church has it's programs functioning. What a blessing.
November also brought a day of snow that put most people in a little of a frenzy. it was such a slight skiff of snow and yet everyone bundled up so quickly in their hats, scarfs, mittens and coats. I was out in my flip flops and capris and was finally comfortable.
Thanksgiving Day had it's usual turkey and all the trimmings but with some very interesting guests this year. Of course, Mike and Kylie were here, Kathryn had her friend Wayde here and then we invited two of Del's co-workers who had no family to celebrate with; Victor and John. John is an older man who's wife was gone visiting other family and Victor is an African American from Africa who has no family here. Both men were very interesting and a joy to have in our home.I had a week of what is called 'frozen shoulder' that same week and ultimately ended up in the ER to have it resolved. Not a fun experience but I was glad Del had been home to carry most of the weeks responsibilities on his shoulders. It was a nice memory.
And now, we are almost two weeks into the month of December. The cold weather (for Texas anyways), has rolled in and the holiday season has started. Our artificial Christmas tree was broken last year, so Del came home this past Monday night with our first fresh Christmas tree in years. The house smells wonderful and it brings a whole new feel to the season. We were supposed to decorate it last Tuesday night, but never got around to I'm thinking tonight will be the night.
The Christmas parties have started with last night's first at the Vogelberg's home. It's had it's 7 year tradition - started the year we moved here and has brought years of humor and laughs. Last night was no different. Very fun night with dear friends and great food. Over the years, we have been included in 2 other holiday parties and this year will even bring a new one with some friends here in our new ward. It sure makes for a lot of white elephant gifts and great appetizers but we have loved the interaction with such wonderful people that we truly cherish as friends.
Most of the Christmas shopping has been finished. Only a few things for Mike and Kylie, school tuition for Jordan and then a few things for Kathryn. The money has to be spread so thinly so we are once again, back at the stage of life where Christmas gifts are now back to 'needs' instead of 'wants'. Del and I will be getting garments. I have Dr. Henao's name for our office gift exchange so I have spent the past three weeks, sneaking opportunities with her two boys, to take candid pictures of them in some of their activities that I am making into a poster size collage(spelling) for a scrap booked picture poster. I hope she likes it. It's been fun to do.
Jordan has been cold...Idaho has had several below zero days in which he will call so miserable and freezing expressing his much felt home sickness and despair. I will have to pamper him a little when he comes home for the holidays. He will be coming home a few days later than most other students as he will remain up in Utah for 2 days to participate as best man at his best friends wedding - Mark Roberts. His other two dear friends, Ricky Adams and Josh Packer are also engaged and getting married within the next few months. Jordan's feeling left behind. He is noticing that the 'best man' role has become his status in life but also realizes that he is no-where close to being ready to getting married. Patience is NOT one of his better virtues.
Kathryn has had a few struggles with some personal issues but we;ve seen her through them and is now on a wonderful path for her future. She has sent in all her application forms to colleges and now awaits the news. She didn't do real well on either her SAT or ACT tests but hopes that her high school transcripts and GPA will at least allow her to get into BYU Idaho. She has been dating a young boy named Wayde that she has been friends with for years. Nothing serious as they have more fun together than anything else. She will start a new job after the holidays on her birthday as she has to be 17. But Kylie already worked there years ago and the manager told Kathryn he would start her once she turned 17. So she will have some money coming in for school.
Mike and Kylie have put their townhouse on the market and are hoping to sell quickly so they can start the building of their first home. They have land picked out, floor plans and all arrangements made, just need to sell first. We are excited for them and hope it all goes as they have planned.
Del and I still work our long hours at our jobs but we're glad to have good jobs that allow us to still take care of our family's needs. And the needs they have at this stage in life are a lot more expensive than when they were wanting new clothes or toys. Del and I wonder if there will ever be an 'empty nest' syndrome, where it pertains to finances....I don't want them to leave me, just financially. Oh well...parenthood.
So, hopefully tonight, we will decorate the tree and put our Christmas lights on our house and bushes. Then we'll end the night with some more BYU basketball and volleyball, which we've been enjoying now for weeks.