over the years, Del has made a lot of our furniture - and it's beautiful, gorgeous furniture. But the beauty of it has been in making it WITH someone - mainly Jordan, so far. They made me a lovely game table that I do my jigsaw puzzles on and they play chess. Then he and Jordan made me three gorgeous book shelves for our home that are nice pieces of furniture.
Now Del has a grandchild coming and he wants to leave a legacy. But he wants it to be more than that. He wants in to be a lifetime memory. So he and Michael are making this project together.
For weeks they have been in the planning of this project...a baby changing table. They have drawn the plans, done the measurements and last week purchased the wood. Yesterday, the project began.
Of course, Del needed to buy some more tools. So he was like a kid in a candy store going to Mike's aunts home and buying up some of her old saws and tools etc. Plus, he was able to go and get a few things he's been wanting - an overall wonderful anniversary gift. He was pleased.
And the actual work began yesterday. Of course, Del doesn't find it as 'work'. He's in heaven - absolute total heaven.
As you can see from the pictures of the first day, there was a combination of humor, work and accomplishment. There are a good 4-5 weeks more before they will be finished and many more pictures to come, but from what you can see, Del's hope with this project will meet all his expectations...and more.
A baby changing table?! Oh that is too fun! I sure hope Dell is happy and doing okay.
Marlys - you need to change the color of your font for the posts - you can't read it due to the dark background color!
How fun! I just found a website that has all sorts of furniture design plans available for free. I think they even a changing table one. Not that you need it now. :) But there's lots of other fun ideas too. I posted about it on my food storage website here: http://foodstorageandbeyond.com/2010/07/frugal-friday-homemade-furniture/
Hope they have a good time and no nail gun fights! :)
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