Just his facial expressions bring a smile to my heart.
We spent another night over at Mike and Kylie's house, which included, of course, feeding him dinner, smoothies and then giving him the much needed bath. So cute...all of it.
Talking up a storm and jumping up and down with both feet in the air are some of his new things. He does this one saying of 'DEE DEE DOUGH; that makes his lips purse together. I try to catch it in pictures cuz his face is just too cute...plus, his smile seems to have widened over the past few months each time he sees us. I also taught him 'head, shoulders, knees and toes' a week ago and that seems to thrill him, along with 'Paddy Cake'.
He's a freakin' genius...we've decided. But we don't think that way just because he's ours. We're pretty sure most people think he is. He IS our grandson though...hereditary, we're certain.
Probably MY side of the family.
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