Saturday, May 30, 2015

Half Our Spuds Were Duds

After weeding for hours last night, we had a fairly nice day with only a few drizzles in the morning, so Del thought it might be best to harvest our potatoes, fearing they may be rotting in the ground from all the rain.
He was half right.
These are the potatoes that were still good - about half of what we planted.  The rest, were indeed, rotted in the ground.
I shouldn't complain though.  We are finding out from other ward members, that our garden is holding up even better than some of our best farmers.  A lot of ward members are losing most of everything they planted due to flooding - so I am grateful for what we have.
The green bean plants have some beans on them, so I will be picking them Monday night after I get home from work.  I really hope they do well, because we planted like double the amount from last year and I was hoping to have enough to can and have stored on my shelves for this coming year.  But the rain really took its toll on them.  We are supposed to have like 8 straight days of great sunshine now, and I'm really hoping it will revive the bean plants and perk them up from just laying in the flood waters.
I can only hope.
But I give thanks for the potatoes!!!

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