Monday, July 20, 2020

If I Have to Quarantine....6650 Blackjack Oaks Rd Is the Place For Me

Today is actually July 20th.
I've been catching up on my blogging for the past three months.
But we are still in quarantine.
No church, no temple, no friends homes, no anything except groceries, gas station and the grandkids houses.
So I am quarantined to 6650 Blackjack Oaks Rd.
And I'm content.
I took these pictures over the past few weeks of some areas on our land.  They are simple things - but they bring me so much joy and peace.  Yes, Del is going to be building a tree house for the grandchildren.  The snake he found, was with the help of one of the grandchildren, but it came from exploring our back forest.  The wild flowers come up every year, right at the back of our garden, along the fence to the creek.  They are beautiful and can be seen from my office window facing the backyard.  The beautiful tree with the bright pink blossoms is one of three such trees that blossom every year in the flower bed in the front of our home.  The apple trees, of which one, I call the Tree of Good and Evil, were transplanted this year to the back of the garden, and it too, I can see from my office window.  The creek if full after a rainstorm that replenishes our yard with moisture and nourishment.  And I know the grandkids will LOVE wading through the muddy water when they come over later today.  They will leave wet and filthy dirty, but happy.  Content.
I love where I am.  And if I have to be quarantined, then there is no where else I would rather be.

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