Saturday, July 2, 2022

History is Overturned

 In 1973, there was a law made and confirmed by the Supreme Court Called Roe vs Wade.

Roe was a woman (name changed for court purposes), who was pregnant with a baby she did not want to keep.  But instead of having the baby and giving it up for adoption, she wanted to be able to abort the baby.  Her body, her choice.

The State District Attorney for the state of Texas, where Roe was from, decided to take the case to federal court, claiming that Roe was not able to make that decision on her own because the baby was a different identity than her own and someone should be able to speak for it.  His name was Wade.  And Wade wanted the STATE, and NOT the federal government to be able to make those decisions for each state.

Ultimately, Roe won her case - monumental case, where now, the federal government would have jurisdiction over cases concerning abortion - and it was made legal, with a few regulations.

Now, 2022, we have another monumental vote from the Supreme Court where they have overturned the 1973 ruling of Roe v Wade, and the power has now been turned back to individual states, of which Texas, as one of the first of many, are illegalizing abortion in stages.  Our state law says that any baby AFTER 6 weeks, cannot be aborted.  Other states are following suit.

Our country is having a fit.  Needless to say - there is hate, there is anger and their is much discussion of female rights being taken away.  The 'My body, my choice' is of course, the main cry from the people.  This is, of course, the forgetting of another human being involved once a pregnancy occurs.  Oh, the debates are intense ,warped and many, just plan evil.  I can't believe how even members of the church, do not value the sanctity of the unborn child.  The questions of, when is the fetus considered a human?  When is it viable?  When does the spirit enter the body?  Are there not exceptions of rape or danger to the health of mother of child to consider?

Our Supreme Court is currently heavy on the Republican side - hence, the reason for ability to overturn the initial 1973 ruling.  And the current judges are considered young - in their 50's, early 60's, which mean they should remain on the court for years to come.  This is important, because mainly, any Democratic president that may come into office, will be in the minority as far as carrying the vote for significant decisions and changes in the government.

I am one that truly believes that the Constitution and Bill of Rights/Amendments should be analyzed and adjust every 50 years - for this purpose: When it was written, the laws were made according to the people who were living in that day - example - women were not even allowed to vote or give opinion, and Blacks were not even recognized as human and had no rights whatsoever.  Today, our world has changed and is different.  The fundamentals of honesty, goodness and morality should still govern the base of the Declaration of Independence.   It was England that we wanted independence from - not from law and order. Rights and freedoms still need to have it's boundaries and laws - and abortion still needs to have it's laws and boundaries obeyed.  

I'm pleased with this change.  I believe very much in the sacredness of the mother, child and their bodies.  But once certain choices have been made by the woman, I do not believe she has the right to the consequences that come with that choice - especially when it involves the life of a baby.

So.  Once again, history has been made.  For good.  

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