Friday, July 8, 2022

It Wasn't Just Hair

Kathryn was my only baby born with hair - and at the time, it was strawberry blond, emphasis on the strawberry.  But as she's grown, it's gone more and more blond and longer and longer the older she got.  The only time I really kept it short, or above her shoulders, was when she was in gymnastics in Utah.  And she'll ever forgive me for the perm and styles I made her wear.  Poor girl.  She still thinks it was torture, but in reality, her hair was adorable.

But since high school, she's worn it long.  It's the one thing that really made her feel pretty - her long beautiful blond hair.  And it was.  She got tons of compliments all the time.  Best head of hair in the family.

She's only really cut it twice - the second time being last month.  And the reason was to donate in behalf of Rachel's cancer treatment and loss of hair to an organization that takes donated hair and makes it into wigs for little children who have lost their hair due to cancer.  Cool, right?  I'm so very proud of Kathryn for this sacrifice.  Sure enough, she's LOVING the shorter look and feel of her hair.  Easier to take care of and less time too.  

But for Kathryn, it wasn't just hair.  It meant how she felt about Rachel.

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