Wednesday, July 23, 2014

It's Taking It's Toll

The Bishop has had a rough month.  
We have had many move ins this month, a few move outs, some families struggling and then several ward members just not feeling the need to fulfill their church callings.  All very frustrating and disappointing to the Bishop.
Point in hand - this month was the Young Men's High Adventure.  The planning of this activity started months ago with a few ideas thrown out by the Young Men leaders and then some of the boys but very little details were followed through on.  With a week before the trip starting, we end up with NO Young Men leaders able to go and some assignments not even started.  Bishop was determined to let this activity fail as there were several of the Young Men who NEEDED this trip and had gone to great lengths to earn money and do service projects to be able to pay for this trip.  Del didn't want them being disappointed.  
So, he took off a week of work, along with his first counselor leaving his family of four children, and they, along with the Scout Leader, took 15 boys on this High Adventure trip.
But the week before going, these three men also had to meet two or three times to plan all the last minute things that had been dropped by the Young Men leaders and never followed through on - ie..FOOD for 5 days, a menu and three days of activities!!!
A lot of stress...
Then the trip itself?  Bishop said there were a few times that he could tell the boys were really enjoying themselves, but it never could quite compensate for the continual whining and complaining the boys expressed about the food, the 'boring activities' and the lack of entertainment they felt they should have been having.  Bishop was BEYOND hurt and disappointed at the lack of appreciation the boys showed for all the work the three men had put into making sure this trip was a success and the sacrifices they had made to be away from their families to make sure these boys had a good experience.  He called me one day, and from the moment he said 'hello', I could tell he was feeling awful.  Aside from the terrible MS symptoms he was experiencing and the pure exhaustion from doing most everything there was to be done, he was emotionally and physically hurt from their lack of excitement.  I wanted to punch a few faces of those spoiled little brats.
That was last week.
This week, he is feeling the 'after shocks' of the trip - his body hurts, he's feeling terrible still - hurts when he sleeps, feels sick when he eats - and just can't seem to feel good.  He's still exhausted and the ward still has serious issues.  He feels he needs to go to an internist to see maybe what's going on with him...He thinks it could be he needs to change his diet, exercise more etc...Personally, I think his MS might be getting worse.
So, I am trying to find a doctor to get him to and see if we can get him some help.
In the meantime, I am trying to keep him positive and spend time with him.  He's so glad to be home but still feeling yucky.  Poor guy.

While Del was gone last week, we lost two chickens...hence, the gun at the back door.  Jordan is determined to shoot himself another coyote.  I was pretty upset to see the remains of one of the chickens strewn from one end of the backyard to the other...she really put up a fight that she eventually lost.  Made me so sad.  So now, we have only 9 chickens left and we're protecting them pretty closely each night.  But we're getting about 6 eggs each day so far.  Some of the girls are still holding out on us.  They better start laying pretty soon though!!

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