Saturday, October 8, 2022

Darlene Returned Home


Our sweet grandma Darlene Passed away this morning.  I'm honestly a little surprised at how quickly it has been since we saw her.  From what I saw and heard from her the day we were there, I would have guessed she had another 6 months or more.  But a few days after we got home from our trip, Darlene's daughter, Jean, who had 2 days previously had an uncomplicated surgery, did pass away from complications of the surgery.  We were all so shocked.  It was terrible. And it was what set Darlene back - she didn't recover from the shock and sadness of losing her daughter - and went downhill fast this week.  She passed away peacefully this morning.

Del, and maybe Kathryn will go to the funeral.  What a wonderful woman Darlene was.  Prayers are now for her two remaining daughters.  They have endured a lot over the past year or so.

Goodbye sweet Darlene.  Hope your reunion on the other side was joyful and peaceful.

Wednesday, October 5, 2022

But For What Purpose??

 Tonight was young womens night.  A service project to help out a family in the ward.  With Presidency meeting an hour before hand to plan some activities that we are in charge of in the coming weeks.  And I was tired before any of it started, so I wasn't in a really great mood.  I didn't want to be out tonight, mostly because Del finally got what all the rest of us have had - the flu - fever, no appetite and achey all over.  And only one girl outside of the presidency showed up for the service project..

I was discouraged and disappointed.  These girls aren't Beehives - 11, 12, 13 year olds.  They are the OLDER MORE MATURE girls that are supposed to have some depth to them.  But no - in the planning of anything, all they wanted to do was PARTY and have fun.  Ice blocking, yoga, pajama party, charades etc etc - BUT FOR WHAT PURPOSE???  this went on for 10 minutes or more into an only 20 minutes that we had left to plan 2 activities.  And we were getting no where!!!  I finally turned to the girls and said 'Why?'  and I went on a rampage about their lives needing more purpose and focus for the future.  These are girls that are going to be leaving home in 6 months or less and need to be prepared to live in this big bad world and have SOME sense or idea of how they are going to survive it!!!  They are so superficial right now - prom, dates, jobs, homework and dating.  I don't quite know where Daughter of God and Covenant Keeper fall on the list, but it's down there somewhere.

I explained to the girls that their time is running out before they try to learn and know everything they need to know to leave the coop.  And to go ice blocking and or do yoga with some goats is just not going to get them there.   Yah - it pretty much dampered the rest of the meeting.  I apologized afterwards, but really, I don't want to waste my time anymore with these girls who have no interest but to have fun.  I have better tings to do.  I love them, but they just aren't ready yet to find some depth in their lives.

Frustrating.,  I need to pray harder to find my purpose in being the laurel advisor.  

How can I help them?

Tuesday, October 4, 2022

Temple Announcement


Throughout my life, I have lived no closer than an hour away from a temple, except for the three years we lived in Utah.  What a blessing for those who live so close to a temple when there are so many members of the church throughout the world, many having to travel up to days to get to the closest temple and spend their last pennies to attend in order to make those covenants and ordinances with our Heavenly Father.

Every General Conference since President Nelson has been our Prophet, he has announced new temples to be built.  Every conference.  And this conference, the announcement was made for a new temple to be built in Prosper Texas, just 10 minutes away from us.  Such excitement..and the prophecy of 'temples dotting the earth' is literally coming true.  Along with the Texas temple, came 4 temples being built in Mexico City Mexico area, all within an hour of each other.  Can you believe that??  And more in Brazil - these areas are growing like you can't imagine - The excitement felt by the members of the church is tangible every time it comes to Pres Nelson being the final speaker in the Sunday afternoon session and we all know there are going to be temples announced.  Ammon even joked right before Pres. Nelson spoke, calling out 'AUBREY TX' - and he couldn't have been closer.  

Conference was ALL about Jesus.  Jesus Christ.  Our Savior.  Making Him the focus of our lives and reason for living.  I was so inspired and filled with desire to make the changes necessary to be truly happy.  Such joy to be had in keeping and living the commandments.  And miracles - promised miracles that will come because of this change.  

I read a comment made by a friend on facebook about the sensitivity of Pres Nelson's comments about recent events throughout the world and in the church - his sense of urgency in preparing ourselves for the Saviors return.  It gave a sense of, maybe THAT being the last time we would hear from our Prophet here on this earth.  He's now 98 years old - longest living prophet throughout the latter days - and for the first time, I noticed his slowing down and showing his age while at the pulpit.  He has been one to hold his age unbelievably well.  But this time, he actually used a chair behind the pulpit to lean against as he spoke.  He was being sustained, physically, for the first time.  I've noticed new 'shuffles', canes, slower of speech and other physical changes in a few of the General Authorities - most of them are older than prophets have previously been when called as prophet.  If the pattern in the church follows what it has been in this new dispensation, our next prophet would be Pres. Dallin Oaks, who just turned 90 a few weeks ago.  Interesting that we have had a renowned heart surgeon as our prophet during a world pandemic of Covid - and now with our world and government issues throughout the world, we will have a prophet who was A supreme court judge and knows the laws of the land and what is needed by members of the church to live in said world.  

Our Heavenly Father has been preparing His children, for years, to listen to His prophets because He will give us exactly who we need to lead us through the exact situations the world will be dealing with in anticipation for the return of His Son.

To just be obedient.  Keep on the covenant path.  

Springville Utah


Utah welcomed us with a lot to do and a lot to feel.

This was moving week for my mother.  She sold her home 2 months ago, and this weekend was when we would actually finish moving everything out of her home and all things either going to Deseret industries, the dump or Becca's home.  Garth and Jennifer were there to help with the finishing of the whole move - and between them and Del, they were able to move all the big items and I was able to pack up mom's bathroom, bedroom and closet and move them, along with HER, over to Rebecca's house.  

Mom had several moments of tears. realizing all memories and experiences she was leaving behind as she took this next step in her life.  That was her home with daddy.  A lot of emotions to bare, let alone all the physical changes she was having - now being dependent on Becca and Lance to take care of her.  She's always been so sober and stiff lipped, but recently, her emotions have been worn on her sleeve and she is V ERY tender hearted.  Changes - she is not good with changes.  And this was a BIG one.

But Lance and Becca had done so much to the house for mom's move - her own remodeled bathroom, bedroom and private sitting/computer area.  We decorated it with her personal things - pictures, memories - clothes into her drawers - closet hanging bars had to be removed and rehinged lower so mom could reach them, so Del did that.  Then Garth and Del completely made, set and and finished shelving and storage in Becca's basement.  It was a huge project that they were able to knock out in about 3 hours.  It truly was wonderful to see them working together, completing this task for Lance and Becca.  And they were very appreciative.

There were wonderful meals, both at home and out together - a BYU/Baylor football game, of which we (BYU), were expected to lose.  But NOPE - in typical BYU fashion, we won the game with a level of excitement and anticipation that were unmatched before.  SOO fun.  Mom was such a good sport to wear her BYU gear for the game - pictures.  I got to spend some much needed personal time with Becca, filling my soul with peace and comfort.  I've been missing her terribly and just needed to be with her.  Her new home is adorable - backyard perfect for a huge garden.  I could have moved right then and there and never been happier.  

And I displayed that emotion and torn apart heart the Sunday morning at 6:30 as we got up and left for home.  Everyone was still asleep and as we drove away, I was sooo sad.  For the next few hours I was moody and despondent.  I didn't treat Del very kindly.  I'm tired of Texas - need and want a change.  Poor Del.  I frustrated him with my not being happy with life right now.  When I finally softened my heart enough to have a discussion with him, we talked about the importance of me learning how to enjoy the journey and path we are on, instead of wanting everything to always be different. Over hours, we came to the conclusion that we are staying in Texas, for now.  But if the garden and family situation doesn't change and get better down here, then I will ask us to move.  The family situation being Kathryn and Ammon living with us.  I'm needing to feel independent again and have my home and privacy back.  But I can't stand the thought of not being there for Peyton while she needs me.  So the conclusion was - they will stay, until Peyton no longer needs a babysitter because she will be going to kindergarten.  That's when they will need to move.  Now, if they prepare and choose to buy a home before that, then they will leave, but I will still watch Peyton.  But I felt comfort with that decision.

We stopped and bought peaches in Farmington and canned them the day after we got home from our trip.  I have basically tried to live my new convictions and promises I made throughout this trip and have found myself much happier and content.  I have talked with Kathryn and Ammon and feel the decision of when to move is appropriate and very generous of us.  Kathryn and Ammon have both started new jobs and life now continues as normal.  We had stake conference last week and because of my spiritual mind changes and attitude adjustment, I actually felt love and compassion for my stake president that I have not had for years.  His words and expressions from the spirit, truly touched my heart, and I was able to hear what the spirit desired me to hear.  Huge step for me.  

So TONS of changes for and about me.  An overall really good trip for us.  I forgot to mention that while in Wyoming at Chad and Bethany's, we were able to have a 2-3 hour discussion with Bethany about some of the trips she and Chad have taken over the years, with their trip to Jeruselem being her favorite.  She shared memories and experiences that were so spiritual and inspiring to us, that Del and I decided that we wanted to take the exact trip they had taken.  When we arrived I home, I took the time to look up the trip - at a cost of over $12,000.  Took my breath away.  I was sure Del would say no - not that he has said yes, but more that I have been the one to say we can't afford that.  But at what cost do you put a limit on the experience - the learning and education from the tour guide and walking where Jesus walked.  I can say that there will be more discussion to be had -with what result, I honestly don't know.  A trip of a lifetime - but one we may need to pass over due to cost.  What a sad reason to use , but so realistic in the world in which we live.

Pocatello Idaho


It was only a two hour drive from Wyoming down to Pocatello Idaho, where we were picking up Del's brother Brian in Blackfoot and then driving down to Pocatello to help pick up, clean up some of their dad's things at Darlene's house.  Darlene is suffering from cancer and her days are literally numbered.  ALTHOUGH she looked and acted much better than I anticipated from the conversations I had had with Del.  He calls her weekly and apparently she has both good and bad weeks/days, but mostly bad lately.  The boys did quite a bit of work and then we took Darlene out to lunch before she had an appointment with Hospice, of which they were signing her up to start that day.  Darlene has been a pure delight to our Lott family and was perfect for Delbert after his divorce from Shirley.  She will truly be missed when she passes from this life.

Before leaving Pocatello, we drove up to see the brand new Pocatello Idaho temple, of which, for 18 years, we paid our tithes and offerings towards.  It is beautiful.  To think if we had stayed, a temple would be only 5 minutes away from us.  But we both enjoyed the beauty of the temple as we left Idaho.  We also talked about the inevitability that we had seen Darlene for probably the last time, in this life.

On the drive to Utah, our discussion once again turned to some interesting topics of Del's childhood.  He shared some memories and experiences that he has never shared with anyone else - and some tender feelings he had with both his mom and dad at their passing.  It was such a tender bonding moment for the both of us.  So grateful we had it.

Afton Wyoming


Last month, Del and I took about a 10 day trip through some different states, to accomplish several commitments we had made to both sides of our families.  It was a trip to remember , for sure, and we had the best time in each place we went.

The first leg was to Afton Wyoming to stay a few days with my cousin Chad and his wife, Bethany.  They moved there a few years ago and have built a beautiful bunkhouse, that will be used as an air BandB.  They have also started their over 8000 sq ft home they will live in once it is finished. They have also bought 3 of the store properties in downtown Afton, where they are in the process of making one, a frozen yogurt/pastry shop, two, a Wyoming country store with high end shirts, bags, and accessories for sale, and then the last, will be a 3 bedroom Air B and B hotel type place to rent out.  All of it is gorgeous!!  

The weather was to die for, which I knew would be the hardest part of this whole trip.  I was HATING Texas weather in the month of August and September - just SOOO HOT.  But everywhere we went on our trip was in the high 70's low 80's and perfect.  Afton has a temple there also - and I have other cousins that have moved out there also - Wendee and Scott - went to their place too.  Another cousin, Owen, and his wife Aimee (with cancer), came up to Chad's for a day, and so we were able to visit and play games with them also.  The whole stay was just so enchanting - along with their pleadings and begging for us to move up there by them, made it very difficult for me to leave happy.  And I knew it would get harder and harder as the trip went along too - as we would be seeing Idaho AND Utah.

The 2 day drive to Wyoming was a life changer for me.  Lately, my private time spent with Del has been the best.  Our discussions have been gospel filled, awe inspiring and full of love for me.  He was telling me of some sacred experiences he has been having and then was encouraging me to make some changes in my life that I would want to make in order to be able to experience miracles that I was desiring.  He has always been an early morning scripture reading, gospel studying prayerfully seeking miracle kind of guy.  I am NOT a morning person.  I'm not even a faithful scripture reader.  But I am now.  I made the commitment right then and there, in his truck and during our first day discussion, that I was going to make the change from that day forward.  Getting out of bed and immediately dropping to my knees has been a hard habit to start.  It doesn't come naturally for me until now, with a new and different perspective as to WHY I'm doing it and to WHOM I am talking has made a world of difference.  I have changed my mindset of talking to a Heavenly Father that I have no relationship with to now, looking forward to discussing with Him, my desires and plans for the day - my goals for the day - things I want to do and be better at - ask for His help, and then report to Him at the end of the day how things went. It has been so enlightening to see and feel a difference in how I FEEL about Him now.  I think and turn to Him more often during my day, just to confirm what I am doing and being able to maintain the communication with Him in my choices.  I'm more joyful in my day - happier in my circumstances and try to appreciate what I DO have instead of wishing for something different or better.  It truly was and has been, the beginning of a new part of my life.

So grateful for Del, who has always been the perfect example for me and patient enough to wait for the 40 years it has taken to see some desired changes in his wife - me.  All without making me feel inferior, insufficient, lazy or lacking in any way.  Only done with love and encouragement - and promises of miracles to come.  Truly a blessing.