Wednesday, October 5, 2022

But For What Purpose??

 Tonight was young womens night.  A service project to help out a family in the ward.  With Presidency meeting an hour before hand to plan some activities that we are in charge of in the coming weeks.  And I was tired before any of it started, so I wasn't in a really great mood.  I didn't want to be out tonight, mostly because Del finally got what all the rest of us have had - the flu - fever, no appetite and achey all over.  And only one girl outside of the presidency showed up for the service project..

I was discouraged and disappointed.  These girls aren't Beehives - 11, 12, 13 year olds.  They are the OLDER MORE MATURE girls that are supposed to have some depth to them.  But no - in the planning of anything, all they wanted to do was PARTY and have fun.  Ice blocking, yoga, pajama party, charades etc etc - BUT FOR WHAT PURPOSE???  this went on for 10 minutes or more into an only 20 minutes that we had left to plan 2 activities.  And we were getting no where!!!  I finally turned to the girls and said 'Why?'  and I went on a rampage about their lives needing more purpose and focus for the future.  These are girls that are going to be leaving home in 6 months or less and need to be prepared to live in this big bad world and have SOME sense or idea of how they are going to survive it!!!  They are so superficial right now - prom, dates, jobs, homework and dating.  I don't quite know where Daughter of God and Covenant Keeper fall on the list, but it's down there somewhere.

I explained to the girls that their time is running out before they try to learn and know everything they need to know to leave the coop.  And to go ice blocking and or do yoga with some goats is just not going to get them there.   Yah - it pretty much dampered the rest of the meeting.  I apologized afterwards, but really, I don't want to waste my time anymore with these girls who have no interest but to have fun.  I have better tings to do.  I love them, but they just aren't ready yet to find some depth in their lives.

Frustrating.,  I need to pray harder to find my purpose in being the laurel advisor.  

How can I help them?

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