Sunday, June 30, 2019

Poster Child for "The Teenage Sun Worshipper"

Yes, this was my past week. 
Consult with the surgeon Monday.
Lip surgery Tuesday.
Side of nose surgery Thursday.
All week regretting my vain choices of tanning as a teenager and even up to ten years ago.
I have had a few spots on my face for a few years now.  I've even had some past surgeries that weren't near as complicated as these were.  But I've always been so busy with work and other issues that I've never taken the time to get them checked out.
Well, last week, I took the time.  Found a really good dermatologist and he found about 7 spots - 5 of which were pre-cancerous and he 'froze' those spots, but the two large one's were cancer for sure.  He biopsied the two spots to confirm the cancer and sent me off to the cancer surgeon specialist to have this weeks procedures done.
So I am cancer free - for now.
I have to be checked every three months now and stay on top of those 'frozen' spots.  But I'm grateful it was all treatable.
I sure look a mess - but I feel okay.

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