Monday, October 21, 2019

A Pill That's Hard to Swallow

Kylie has decided to leave the church.
She no longer believes in the doctrine and teaching of the church, no longer believes in the book of Mormon and does not believe that Joseph Smith was a prophet of God.
It has been weeks in the coming and even a year or so of her researching and learning information provided by some who have previously left the church and other apostates.  But she had hinted of it during the past few weeks, but officially discussed her decision with Del and me last night.
We are, of course, saddened by her decision and have discussed our feelings and thoughts between each other for a month, knowing this was coming.  We are resigned to the fact that she no longer believes, feel she's lost her focus on the Savior and Heavenly Father and is gravitating towards something that now relieves her of covenants and laws.  You know, if you remove God from your life, you are left with the laws of man and she feels more comfortable meeting the expectations of man than God.  She has just read and chooses to believe those readings of others that has left her with doubts of the truthfulness of church details.  I understand, but it has changed her life of faith, to a life of what others profess to be untold truths. 
Mike remains with his testimony of the gospel and his desires to live his covenants with God.  I'm glad Mike loves Kylie and we pray their marriage will survive this change.  Only 18% of marriages survive a spouse leaving the church.  The statistics show 82% end in divorce.
In Del's and my discussions, we are grateful for the gift of agency and choices.  I expressed to Kylie last night that I only want her to have joy with her husband, her children and in her life.  I was sad that she had chosen a different path to have that joy, but that in this earthly life, I want us to be a joyful and loving family.  I want us to care for each other, make memories and share life's experiences together surrounded by an abundance of love and support of finding happiness. It's just going to be on different paths.
Kylie is a good person.  She has just changed her focus from that of loving God first .  She has removed God from her life.  She has no relationship with her Heavenly Father or his Son, Jesus Christ.  She finds joy somewhere else.  But she is trying to be a good person aside from that.  Whether or not she will be able to find that joy, has yet to be seen.
I have my doubts she will ever have true joy again.

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