Saturday, July 25, 2020

Do You See What I See???

The past 6 months have been rough.
This was happening gradually, but when Elaine took pictures of her hair after her haircut, I thought, 'Okay, her's is WAY more gray than mine is, so I'm still okay.'
Besides, we didn't have anywhere to go and there was no-one to see during quarantine, so we stopped dyeing our hair.
But then Elaine started back to church and took the plunge...dyed her hair again, taking all the grey out.  I still went  another haircut and was still not out in public.
But it was happening little by little. I was noticing mine every day.  More on the left side than on the right side - but still enough 'color' that the grey wasn't dominant.
Yesterday, I got my haircut for the first time since the beginning of May - 10 weeks. At each cut, I saw the color dropping to the floor.  Gulp.
As my stylist began to blow my hair dry, her eyes would get bigger and bigger and by the time she was finished, we both stared in the mirror at my cut and she said, 'Do you see what I see?'  My eyes were HUGE and I replied 'I'm not quite sure when this happened'.
I came home.  Del was in his office and in glancing up, he said a quick 'nice haircut'.  I thanked him and said, 'do you notice anything different?'  He brushed off a quick 'no' and I asked him to go outside with me.  He followed me to the backyard, where I stood out in the sun next to him.  He looked over at me and the quickest 'OH MY GOSH' came out of his mouth.
NOW he noticed.  He was stunned as he said 'When did THAT happen?'  I laughed at him as he ran his fingers through my hair.  I answered, 'Apparently over the past 6 months and today's haircut!!'
He examined my whole head - amazed at the areas that still carried a little of the color and overwhelmed at how sudden it had become obvious. There was no denying it - I went grey.
And we've agreed...I'm going to stay grey.  For now.  We're still not back to church yet.  The only people who will see my grey are family and people at work.  So, I'm staying grey.  Now if my kids give me a hassle, I'll consider going color again.  But I've never been this far grey and to go color, and then grey AGAIN ???  Too many shocks.
Now I match Del.

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