Sunday, December 1, 2013

Time to Shift Gears

Today, I was released from the Primary Presidency and called as first counselor in the new Relief Society Presidency.  Our sweet RS President, Wendy Turner, is moving with her family to southern Texas.  So she, and her counselors were released today, after serving for three years.
One of the sweet ladies I visit teach, Maritza Bailey, from Chile, has been called as our new Relief Society President.  She is adorable - sweet, kind, tender, tiny and just fragile.  I love her.  And the second counselor is Alana Wright - a friend I have made since moving here - a widow of 2 years with three children.  Her son Andrew is the one that came and stayed with a few days when he was having a few difficult moments in his life.  He mowed our lawn during the summer.  Alana is still single but currently hoping and wishing to re-marry and enjoy some more of her very young life.
I am going to love serving with these ladies.  Our desire is to bring spiritual comfort and depth to the women in the ward with much love and kindness.  In my setting apart by the Bishop, he stressed 4 times, that I counted, my need to be kind - tender - soft and keep my sense of humor, but not to replace spirituality with humor.  He knows me well.  So I will have to be aware of the promptings of the spirit in reaching the hearts of the sisters.
So, a new phase of my life and a new opportunity to serve.
I haven't been in the Relief Society in literally decades.
This will be interesting as I adjust my thought processes from children to adults and change my approach of gospel teaching.  I can actually use some adult vocabulary and maybe even be able to learn new and exciting principles of the gospel myself.

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