Sunday, October 11, 2015

Just Call Me Annie Oakley

I was surprised that I hit the target.
Then I got serious...7 out of 10 times.
We have wildlife all around us - between us and our neighbors, that wildlife has been privileged to eat sheep, chickens, rabbit, dog and squirrel.  But we have thought that 'enough is enough'.
Last week, our neighbor lost more than one sheep to a pack of wolves in our back yards.  He shot this one and killed it.  Then the next night, when two more wolves appeared, he shot one and injured it pretty badly and the other, he probably just maimed it pretty good.  But, because Del was gone to Boston, I was feeling pretty helpless, not knowing how I could protect our 19 remaining growing chickens in our chicken coop.
When Del came home, I told him I would like to learn how to shoot our 22 rifle that sits by our back door.  So Friday night, Del taught me how to shoot.  He of course, taught me gun safety first - then how to load it and then the natural 'Annie Oakley' instinct took over for me.  I wasn't that bad - in fact, I think I hit the target about 7 out of 12 times.  Not bad for my first 'go round'.

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