Sunday, May 9, 2021

A Few Grankid Moments

My daily moments with Peyton are constant - all throughout the day, I have her on my left shoulder asleep, or playing with her, or feeding her - or taking pictures of her at 3 months old.  I can't believe how big she is getting and how wonderful of a baby she is.  We are buds.  She knows me - she knows when it's me holding her, caring for her during the night etc.  She knows laying against my body versus someone else holding her to try and get her to sleep.  And I know her.  I know how to get her to sleep - I know how to feed her - I can tell her cries and what she is needing.  Our bond is tight, and I love it.  She's sleeping longer through the night and beginning to eat more at each of her feedings.  Growing like a weed - just out of 3 month clothes and closer to wearing 6 month to fit right.  She'll be in to size 2 diapers this week.

We had a great rain last week that just down poured and soaked the ground.  Made for a very wet and muddy backyard, of which Emerson and Evie completely took advantage of in a mud fight.  Boy they had a blast.  I loved watching them play; making mud pies and other things.  I was glad that their parents were so willing to let them have the fun they were having.  Even Jordan played in the dirt, looking for worms.  Fun day.

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