Wednesday, September 1, 2010

The Grandma Countdown Has Officially Started

Kylie went to the doctor on Monday and my grandson weighs 6 pounds 4 ounces and is about 18 inches long. And he is due 4 weeks from TODAY!!!!
I can't even begin to tell you how excited I am.
The doctor says that Preston Michael should be over 8 pounds and over 19 inches long, so that's going to be a big baby for Kylie, who has no hips!!!! She came to my office today and from behind, you can't even tell she is pregnant. It's disgusting how tiny she is from the back. But then she turns around and she looks like she's stuffed a basketball under her shirt!! Sorry Kylie - don't mean to hurt your feelings but, you've started to finally show that you're pregnant!! Don't you think it's about time since you're due the end of THIS MONTH!!!!???
The nursery is all set up, all the baby clothes are put in their place for now, until grandpa and Preston's daddy get the changing table finished. It's going to be beautiful - an heirloom.
Kylie finishes work next week and then???
It's just a waiting game after that.
Will Preston come early? On time? Over baked??
We hope not the last option...
But we are definitely on stand by for the next few weeks.
I couldn't be more anxious and excited!!!
Countdown has started...

1 comment:

Kylie C. said...

BASKETBALL???? HAHAHA More like a watermelon. This thing is HUGE! It's so crazy that all this time has passed and now we are finally in his borth month. No over baking here. He will be here by the end of the month for sure, thanks to induction!