Monday, May 28, 2012

De-Junking Begins

It was a holiday today...Memorial Day.  I must say, we missed you my sweet Michael, but enjoyed taking a few moments to remember your sweet spirit and what joy you gave us during the two years you were with us by looking at your pictures.  Love you buddy.
And because it was a holiday, we were all off of work, so took advantage of the time and we started the cleaning out of our closets and attic boxes for our upcoming move.  The piles have started...the Jordan, Kylie and Kathryn piles...the Frisco Family Services pile...the Goodwill pile...and the taking to the new house pile.  I am actually purging my belongings from 30 years of marriage...dishes we've had our whole marriage, furniture, microwave, gas dryer, porcelain dolls, old clothes, books and frames, jigsaw puzzles etc etc...of course, the kids are wanting to put several things on craigslist and make money.  I'm just wanting to be done with it.  But we'll see what they can do.
But, we have organized ourselves into assigned days of accomplishing certain tasks which will ultimately have us de-junked and ready to move by July 20th. 
At least, that's the plan.  But you know how plans go, right???

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