Friday, June 1, 2012

'Where Should We Plant the Berry Patch?'

For some reason, Del and I couldn't sleep last all.
I never did fall asleep, so at around 2:30 am, when I noticed Del was still tossing and turning, I leaned over, gave him a soft kiss and asked him what he was thinking about.
'Where should we plant the berry patch?'
I knew it was something about our future backyard, I just didn't know the specifics.
He asked me what I had been thinking.
In my mind, I had visually placed everything it's appropriate place to decorate our new home.
We spent the next three hours talking about what we would name our backyard...
and we laughed, giggled and had fun imagining all the wonderful things we would do with our kids and grand kids in our future there.
What a great way to start our day.

1 comment:

AnnCP said...

Just make sure it is long enough that you won't get too tired picking those berries!