Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Beans, Beans, the More You Eat

These are, of course, GREEN beans - our third picking.
The plants are being thrashed and trampled by the chickens, but they are thriving enough to produce this amount like every other day.  Between the chickens and the weather, we have lost like 10-12 bean plants.  But we still have some strong and healthy plants, but our chickens are trampling more and more of them every day.  I just don't know how to keep them out of there.  So, for now, I will keep picking until there are no more to pick.  Hopefully, we'll be able to get another 5-6 pickings that will give us a good amount to can.  Right now, we've given a lot away and the rest, we have mostly put up in the freezer.  The rest, we really need to can for storage.
Wish us luck.

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