Tuesday, July 7, 2015

A Little Harvest is Better Than Nothing

I've had mixed emotions about our garden this year.
First, we planted it differently than last year - as far as where everything was planted, and how much. Del did most of the planting with me helping with the big stuff.  And then...the rains came - and came - and came some more.  Our potatoes rotted in the ground - our strawberries were overtaken by grass and weeds.  The tomatoes flooded and our green beans looked hopeless.  I lost interest in all of it when Del had to prematurely dig up the potatoes - and we had a poor showing for so much work put in to it.  The onions then got dug up - the peppers never really gave us anything more than 2-3 green peppers - the chickens got to our tomatoes before we could - squash never produced - and now, the green beans are finally starting to come on.  But even our several rows of green beans had several plants that never even grew - so the rows look very sparse and spread out unevenly.  But, we've had enough for me to share two nice pickings of potatoes and green beans to give to our neighbors and to members of the ward -.
And now that I have finally promised Del I won't give away any more of our garden, I finally saved up enough pickings to can some green beans tonight!!!  YAH!!! We didn't can ANY last year, so I'm pleased with anything this year.  I'm hoping to get maybe even one or two more pickings to actually can another night.  I would be thrilled with that.
The rest of the garden is lost - weeds and grass have over taken the whole thing.  Between Del and I, and our busy schedules, we have not had the time or energy to keep up with having it look nice...it's embarrassing -.  Still producing, but embarrassing.
But...I have green beans up on my shelves.
I call it a successful year.

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