Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Ten Second Litter Box and Kitty Cottage

How do I even begin to explain this??
Del has started a business with a man in our ward, Micheal Jackson - (yes, really his name).  Mike had this idea of a kitty litter box, Del had the funding and the smarts for putting it into a business...and now, 5 months later, they officially launched their new product on the fourth of July.
It is a disposable kitty litter box - and it's brilliant.  And everyone that has tried it out, literally LOVE it - and so, they have a website, a place they can be ordered - and they are placing it into certain stores.  Of course,, we're hoping it make us millions...but I would be happy to just have my husband back. It has taken literally hundreds of hours to get this adventure up and running - and he has been more than extremely busy.  But it's been very important to him - and I'm trying to be very supportive and helpful when I can.  But I have mostly been in the background watching everything come together.
I hope it's everything Del wishes it to be...and more.

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