Friday, January 4, 2019

First Presidency Statement on Temples

Just this week, the first presidency of the church put out a statement about temples and the continuing revelation they are receiving from the Lord about changes and improvements in the sacred ordinances performed inside the temple walls.  I knew this statement would mean that there were probably going to be some things done slightly differently during our ceremonies and ordinances.  But it wasn't until today, that I was able to witness those changes for myself.
Friday is my day off from work, and so for the past three months or so, I have been trying to go to the temple more often on my own, while Del is home working.  It has been such a blessing to me in increasing my time in the temple.  I have found much more strength and ability in living the commandments and more devotion to my Father in Heaven.  I went to the temple last in the middle of December, and then fell ill for the remainder of the month.  Today was the first chance I had to go back to the temple.
Changes?  Yes.  More direct - more focused on covenants and very main streamed as far as eliminating some fluff and being more direct with why we are there.  Sacred?  Of course.  And not to be discussed outside the temple.  But I look forward to March when Ammon and Kathryn will be going through and making covenants.  The time actually at the temple has been reduced from about and hour and 45 minutes to maybe an hour and 15 minutes or so.  But nothing has changed as far as the purpose and the truthfulness of the endowment. The covenant made between us and God, is the same.  The doctrine is the same.  The approach is slightly different though but I can tell from the additions and the removing of certain things, that much prayer, thought and divine revelation was had by our priesthood leaders in Salt Lake.
I am so grateful for modern revelation.  For a loving Heavenly Father that continues to guide and love us through His living prophets.And I am grateful for the temple, where I am able to sit and commune with my Heavenly Father, make sacred covenants with Him and help those passed on before to receive these sacred ordinances for themselves.

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