Sunday, May 5, 2019

Choosing Our Comfort Kingdom

Today, in our scripture study, Del and I were talking about how decisions we make today and in this world, will help to determine where we live in the next life - in that, we will not be blessed with anything in the next life, that made us uncomfortable living in THIS life.
For example - those who choose not to be parents and have children in this life, will certainly not be made to be uncomfortable in the next life by being rewarded with exaltation and the the blessing of children in the eternities.  What we find to be a comfortable choosing of life's experiences will be what the Lord will want us to have in the next life - and we will be happy with it.  But that is also the consequence of our choices.  We will NOT receive exaltation and eternal families with an eternal increase of children, if the choice we make here on earth, is that we do NOT want the challenges of children, and the having and raising of children is this life is our choice.
So basically - we choose the comfort of our eternal kingdom by the choices we make here.  We will desire the same in the next life.  Del is completely willing to sacrifice all that he has and all that he ever will have, to our Heavenly Father and His kingdom, and to the welfare of children.  Because that is what he truly wants as his eternal reward. Those not willing or desiring to make the hard choices here, will certainly not be asked to make the hard choices there.  What we have found to be our 'comfort zone' here, will be exactly what the Lord wants us to have for the eternities.  HE WANTS us to be happy - and if that happiness is found in the Terrestrial Kingdom, or that of the Telestial Kingdom, that is what He will reward us with.  And we will find it more glorious than we could imagine.  But it will not be with an eternal family of spouse, children or eternal increase.
I'm amazed at those in the church who do not understand that concept.  How they think that their feelings about obedience to commandments, or trials and challenges of marriage and having children, will change once they see the 'whole picture', and they will all of a sudden desire to follow all of God's commandments and WANT family etc.  No.  Instead, they will be happy and satisfied with the 'glorious reward' they have received from the level of comfort they lived here on the earth.  No more, and no less.
They will be comfortable.  Just as the Lord has promised.
So, the question I ask myself is...
what are the parameters of my comfort zone?

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