Sunday, December 4, 2011

This Years Christmas Wish

I was asked by a friend this past week what my 'grown up Christmas Wish' was this year.
After days of thought...
my answer is...
'that time will heal all hearts'.
The heart of my niece that lost her father in death this past year.
The heart of my friend at work who lost her unborn child in a miscarriage.
The heart of a friend who feels betrayed by someone he thought he could trust.
The heart of an employer who feels she was robbed by her staff.
The heart of a husband who feels he lost his wife for a time.
The heart of a daughter who only wants to be loved by someone who can accept her for who she is and what she has to offer.
And to my heart...that only has myself to blame for the shattered pieces it was left in from dreams I couldn't make come true.

And to the many other hearts out there that are torn apart...
I wish you time for healing and wholeness.
God Bless you all this Christmas.

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