Thursday, April 2, 2015

Finally: The Secret is Out

We were told over a month ago that she was pregnant, but asked to keep it quiet until they knew if they were having a boy or a girl.  They went to the doctor on Tuesday and...
Mike and Kylie are having a GIRL!!!
I could not be any happier!!  Kylie is due in September and she is already showing.  She looks adorable!
A name??  Several are being thrown around - the middle name is a for sure - Ellen, which is Mike's mother's middle name.  But the first name, Mike and Kylie like a certain name, but once again, don't want to advertise it yet, as they may want to change it.  I like it too.
So, we're going to have the 'even stevens' numbers - two boys and two girls.
I'm a happy Nana.

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