Wednesday, January 3, 2018

After Much Thought

Every year, I try and ponder what it is that I want to do or accomplish this next year that maybe I didn't get done THIS year.  But most often, I can't even remember what I wanted to accomplish the previous year OR, it's the same thing year after year - ie...lose weight, attend the temple more often, prayers, scripture reading etc etc...
But this past year, I found that in trying to accomplish all I had put on my list, I became more and more disappointed at what I wasn't able to do, for one reason or another; mostly because of my health, menopause and anxiety attacks and stress.  I felt cut off at the knees in most things that I attempted to do.
But in my studying of the Ensign, the Book of Mormon and a few other LDS articles, I came across a very poignant quote from our dear Elder Robert D Hales, who recently passed away, that after MUCH thought and prayer, I have chosen to make my motto for this next year - and life in general.
   "When you cannot do what you have always done,
      then you only do what matters most."
That, I can do. Without guilt, without disappointment, without excuses, and without apology.

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