Thursday, July 25, 2019

We're All Dealing with Something

You know, Satan really doesn't care what it is that causes someone to sin or make certain choices.  He's not picky as to what he tempts us with.
He's not hesitant to even try more than one tactic in drawing us away from what we ultimately desire in life and the life hereafter.
He will try anything and everything it takes to keep us from returning to our Father in Heaven.
So, ALL of us are dealing with something in our lives that require us to try harder, have a higher state of awareness of and ultimately repent of .  All of us.
And it seems that whatever that certain temptation is for ME, tends to seem easy to overcome, or not have at all, to another.  The man who does not struggle financially, may have no difficulty in living the law of tithing.  Whereas, the one unemployed or living paycheck to paycheck, may find the law of tithing his greatest vice or temptation to slack on.  It's easy to counsel, 'just pay your tithing and I can promise the Lord will bless you' when you have a savings account and a nice full time job.  Or the 'healthy gym attending work out finatic' who says it's easy to not over eat and put certain things in our body and exercise every day, to the mother who wrestles with 4 children at home as their maid, chef, chauffeur, doctor, teacher, friend and caretaker, trying to eat a half eaten sandwich and chip crumbs left by her 3 yr old at the dinner table.
We're all dealing with something. And some things are little more significant than others.
I mentioned that I was enlightened at family reunion as to some challenges some of my siblings are having and then even some of my nieces and nephews.  Coming from a large family, it probably would have been safe to say that with the numbers, SOMEONE would have been struggling with health issues - or Word of Wisdom issues - or pornography - or activity or testimonies of the gospel.  We are having  several 2nd generation issues with the doctrine of the church to the point that they have chosen to set aside their temple covenants and leave the church at this time.  We have same sex attraction and marriage - drug addiction - premarital sex and not living the Law of Chastity.  We have pornography at the first generation level, divorce and emotional infidelity.  Many of us suffer from depression, anxiety and hormonal imbalances that require medications and almost ALL of us are judgmental, opinionated and unkind in some form or another.
We have issues.  MANY of these issues have been dealt with through the Law of Repentance and the Law of Forgiveness, but many are being dealt with currently amidst much heartache and sorrow.  I have been trying to help one sibling specifically through the pain of her spouse and pornography.
We are of a generation in the church, that those practicing pornography, were either excommunicated or divorced from their spouse.  My sister hurts - feels the complete spectrum of emotions that come with a spouse plagued with the habit of pornography and just doesn't feel ready to move on yet.  I've just recently explained to her the responsibility she has to exercise and implement the Law of Forgiveness as her husband begins the Law of Repentance.  She tends to want to move his process right along, while not feeling she is so ready to forgive him, but 'needs time to handle all of her emotions'.  And she DOES need to process and deal with each emotion in it's appropriate time. 
Of course, not being one that has a spouse dealing with pornography, there I am thinking, 'This should be easy for my sister to want to move on - not be angry, not be hurt, apply the atonement, forgive your husband and live happily ever after.'  My questions tend to be, 'WHY would you want to wallow in being hurt, betrayed, feeling angry etc etc..LET IT GO!'  Then I stop and have to remember, 'we are all going through something'.
Satan would like nothing more than for us all to succumb to our weaknesses and never repent or be forgiven of them.  So he uses the tactics of discouragement, overwhelming pressure to be perfect and complacency to keep our sin very close to our minds.  My greatest desire is to be aware - on high alert, that Satan is never giving up.  He is working 24/7 on me, my family and those I love.  I have to be combating Satan AT LEAST at that same level - 24/7 and with the help from my Savior and the Holy Ghost.  He CAN NOT WIN THIS BATTLE!!!
We're all dealing with something.  Each day, each moment.  So I need to make sure that each day and each moment, I am prepared and armed with what I need to keep Satan at bay - in his appropriate place - gone.

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