Monday, September 16, 2019

Millennial Tears

I'm the mother of three Millennials. Age 32, age 30 and age 26.
Definition of a Millennial?  There were SOOO many to choose from - but this image above showed the opinion from those who ARE millennials and from those who AREN'T milliennials.  In my opinion?  Almost accurate -there are a few more adjectives I would add to the list, but not here.
What do I mean?  All three of my children are extremely determined to be independent, free thinkers and creative in their ways of making money.  Once they decide to do something, they give it 100% of their effort and time and show not an ounce of laziness in trying to accomplish their goal.  They have sooo many of the positive qualities of the Millennial - but they also have sooo many of the negative.  It was the same in my generation.  I had a lot of the positive characteristics, right along with most of the negative one's too.  And just like I am now crying over some of the choices being made by my three millennials, my parents cried over my generation X choices just the same.
MY difficulty is trying to love them the same after they make their choices.  I am confessing that I have the worst characteristic of being judgmental.  It has been something that I have struggled with my whole life.  A very UN-Christlike quality, I tend to feel differently towards people who don't make, what I think, are the right choices.  I tend to judge them as 'less' or 'not worthy of' blessings or love from me or my Heavenly Father.  How can I justify that??  I can't.  And I HAVE to repent.  I am NO-ONE to feel that I can think anything less of someone because I feel they have chosen a path I would not find acceptable.  Therein lies ME, the sinner.
I love each of my children.  I do.  But I also judge them, in my mind, as they choose things contrary to what they have been taught from Del and me, as their parents.  I fail to realize that they received the SAME beautiful gift from our Father in Heaven, that of AGENCY.  They are able to CHOOSE FOR THEMSELVES the path they will live.  Yes, my heart aches when I feel they choose something contrary to what I feel is right.  BUT I CANNOT stop loving them as I have always loved them.  That would make ME THE SINNER.. and that's what I've been doing.
My love for my children must be unconditional.  I have prayed for the Lord to soften my heart from hurt and anger...and this morning, as I read and studied my scriptures, I could actually see and feel towards my children, some love not previously there.  I still cry over my fears of losing my children spiritually, but cannot control their choices.  But I CAN love them as MY children, as people, as friends and as parents of my sweet grandchildren.  I can love them because they are good people, making so many other good choices.
Making the same choices I make does NOT make someone good or bad.
And that applies to anyone - my children, my friends, my family and other church members.
I want to be as my Savior and LOVE.  It IS the only feeling a mother should have for her children.
This is my desire.  This is my hearts desire.

PS - 2 hours later -
Every day, at various times of the day, I read the church news off my computer.
And I did this about 2 hours after writing this post.  In one of the talks given from President Dallin Oaks at a Regional conference in Arizona, I read the following quote, that I found important to acknowledge in concerns to this post.
It read as follows: Unconditional love does not mean unconditional acceptance of bad behavior
I must remember this.  I don't ever want there to be the mistake of my unconditional love giving the impression that I am accepting of sin.

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