Wednesday, September 18, 2019

The Millennial Mormon

I'm obsessed with this topic.
Mainly because my three children are millennials.
But also because, there are many millennial I know in the church and in my family, that are leaving the church. And I want to know why.  I know what I am being told by some, I know what my own children are telling me, but I'm refusing to believe that there isn't more to the story.
In my generation, the Generation X, we LOVED and revered our church leaders.  They are men of God.  We didn't question them because we truly believed, and still believe that they speak for our Father in Heaven.  We loved our living prophet, his counselors and the quorum of the twelve. We had their pictures on the walls of our homes.  Our children KNEW who their prophet was and loved and prayed for him.
So I am stunned to see the #2 bullet point.  Is there some priesthood leadership 'cover-up' in the church about some unknown doctrine I don't know about??? I am told, that the main principle of church history that is affecting those questioning the truthfulness of the church is about Joseph Smith, the First Vision and the Book of Mormon.  Apparently, there are details that have many wondering the validity of experiences shared by Joseph Smith - his prayer, vision and then actions following the first vision.  And then, knowing those differences in the story, church leaders have hidden the controversy from members of the church to only keep members focused on the facts they want us to know, to avoid faith based questions.  Personally, I don't care how many versions of the First Vision Joseph Smith shared or wrote, only that the ultimate result is the same - he saw the Father and the Son and was told what he was told.  But to those questioning the facts, they don't like the differencing of the versions shared.  They want consistency - no variations. That certainly wouldn't lead me to questions - but it does to others.
Also, I would NEVER believe the prophet or brethren to lie to the members of the church - or not provide the truth.  The question is though, are they telling us 'the whole truth' or are they holding things back from us?  I don't know.  What don't we know that we NEED to know?  If the Lord felt we needed to know something, then I believe he would lead our prophet to give us any and all information the Lord wants us to have to be able to return and live with Him.  What else do I need to know??? But to those questioning?  Apparently that is not enough.  They want the WHOLE truth and story to be able to judge for themselves.  Sometimes, the Lord with holds that from us because we are not prepared to live the higher law, or do with the whole knowledge what needs to be done.  Sometimes, getting all you asked for is not for the best.
LGBT issues: - of course the church has a stand on this issues.  It's God's law given to members of the church.  They are not commandments and laws of man that we are asked to live.  And we certainly don't conform to the desires of man, just so they can 'feel better'.  If the church doesn't meet your ideals or needs, then by all means, it is most likely not for you.  But we can't ask God to change truth to accommodate those who get their feelings hurt because they don't meet that standard of truth.  Those questioning though, believe the church should be 'all inclusive'.  That's like giving everyone a trophy just for participation.  Or allowing all the same benefits in a company just because they're employed by the same boss. NO, blessings are earned by obedience to GOD's commandments.  You don't get the same health benefits if you smoke and drink alcohol as the participant who DOESN'T smoke or drink.    Blessings are EARNED. Temple attendance is sacred and only allowed to those who have lived a life that merits those blessings.  God has established laws about same sex marriages, homosexuality/lesbianism  and in order to receive HIS blessings in HIS church, you have to obey HIS rules.  If you want something other than that, then you have to choose another path for you.  Why would you insist on making GOD change HIS church to accommodate your lifestyle and choices?? Because He loves you?  Yes, He does.  He loves ALL his children and has given us all the gift of agency.  So if in using that gift of agency, you choose to do something contrary to His will, you lose the blessing.  You don't still get what you would have gotten had you been obedient to His law.
Do I understand everything of the feelings and stand of those questioning the church?  Of course not.  But I do know one thing.  God will NEVER change truth and His law to make his children happy.  He expects them to be happy and joyful by LIVING the law that he promises will bring us ultimate joy and happiness   And I believe him when he says that he knows what that is for me.  I would much rather trust him than trying to figure it out for myself in this world we live in.
Abandoning our faith because it doesn't answer all the questions would be like closing the shutters because we can't see the entire mountain.
It is consistent, repetitive holy behaviors that will shape us into children of God and consecrate our souls.

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