Monday, April 27, 2020

Testosterone Levels Are High

You wonder, when you have children, if when they grow up, they will carry characteristics and traits of one or both of their parents. I have always thought that two of my children looked like me - Michael and Kathryn.  And that Jordan and Kylie looked more like Del.  But there have  been a few times when I have posted my engagement picture or pictures of my first 5 years married, that MANY have said that Kylie looks like me.  She does.
But Jordan remains his father's son.
Over the past few years and especially with Del's facial hair, I see a few more similarities in their mannerisms and expressions.  They are currently working together on a few business projects and I find it interesting to see how they interact - how they play off each others strengths and weaknesses.  How they each contribute to conversations - their patience level with irritations, differences or lack of understanding. How they tackle home projects together - how they respect each other.
How they love each other.
You know, it wasn't always there.
Del was hard on Jordan.  Or I should say, he expected a LOT from Jordan as a son.  Even perfection.  Jordan, more often than not, did not meet Del's expectations.  Not many people did.  It's one of the hardest things about being in Del's life.  But as Jordan has grown into an adult and had a family of his own, he has come into his own worth.  He's more confident and knows and understands who he is and what he has to contribute in life and to other people.  And in the same sense, Del has realized that there was only one perfect person on this earth and he has started to give the rest of us a break.  Now Del interacts with all of us a little differently, making it much easier for love to flow more freely between parent and child.
And both of my son in laws have lost their fathers so Del has been able to slip into the role of father for them fairly easily too.  It's been nice to see the level of love and respect they all have for the patriarch of our home.

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