Monday, August 29, 2022

Off the Top of My Head

 No pictures or captions to post this time because there are sooo many subjects and topics I'm going to hit here.

First of all; it's been almost a month since I have posted.  It's been hot; incredibly hot during the past 3-4 weeks.  Too hot to even go outside and enjoy being out of the house.  That's so disappointing to me.  I hate living somewhere that I have to stay in the house all day to be comfortable.  It tends to give me anxiety and depression.  Because of the heat, we have lost the remaining part of our garden and now Del has replanted - corn - hoping that something will work for a winter garden.  I guess it would anywhere there is a winter, but I'm not holding my breath for Texas.  

The 5 year shake up happened a few weeks ago.  You know - when it's time to realign the ward boundaries of two wards to give to two other wards and our ward needs a new Bishopric.  Our dear friend Brandon Burton was called as our new Bishop (best man) - and his counselors are wonderful too - with one of the them being our YW Presidents husband- meaning she was released also.  So our YW first counselor, Leslie Anderson was called as the new President and I will work with her and the Laurels.  We got a new RS presidency and will get a new Elders Quorum presidency probably next week.  Del was released from the EQ presidency as was called to be on the high council in the stake.  Slight disappointment, as he LOVES working hands on with members of the ward, but he just figures the Lord wants him to take his message throughout the stake.  I'm still on the organ too - going into my 8th year.

My body is falling apart.  I ache from head to toe almost all the time - arthritis in my knees and shoulders - and my neck has been hurting since my trip to Mexico in March when I kinked it while zip lining.  I have to go get it seen this next week to see what's going on.  I have gained 3-4 pounds back from March and feel sluggish so I am trying to get THAT back off.  We have had Covid through the house again, mainly with Kathryn and Ammon and it just seems like someone is sick all the time around here.  My emotions and anxiety have been at an all time high - Saturday, after playing at a baptism, I got lost coming home.  Didn't recognize where I was, how I got there or how to get out of it.  I called Del crying as I completely fell apart.  It's happening more often and so I'm finding myself turning more and more into a recluse, just staying in the safety and comfort of my home.

But not able to do that at the end of this week.  I committed us to a vacation/trip to Wyoming to visit Chad and Bethany, then Del's step mom Darlene and then on down to be at Becca and Lance's home, and what will then be my mom's home too.  We will be helping her move in the last of her stuff while we are there.  I made the plans so many months ago, and now as the time approaches, all I want to do is stay home and watch the BYU football games on TV and not interact with anyone.  I know I will be happy I went AFTER the fact.  It's just right now, the trip looks to be long driving and sleepless nights in hotels and someone else's bed.  And I REALLY hate having to be social right now - carrying on conversations and entertaining people in those conversations.  I'm SO anti-social right now.

A few weeks ago, my mother asked me to call her.  It was because she had no-one else to talk to.  I realized that, but I didn't allow her to know that I knew that was the reason. Elaine is her lifeline, but Elaine was on a 3 week vacation with her husband.  Becca has been completely overloaded with Lance's needs and being RS president.  Jennifer is babysitting grandchildren and can't go see mom.  JD and Tiffany have left for Peru on their mission - and so mom needed me.  I took advantage of the situation and totally comforted her and gave her the confidence she needed to make it through some situations she was being faced with .  My mother is British - sooo British - stiff upper lip, independent, self reliant and no tears from her over the years I was growing up.  Now, since she has lost daddy and gotten older, she has become a whole different person.  She is extremely vulnerable, confused, insecure and needy, in a good way.  For the first time, she is actually needing her children for comfort, support, advice and love.  She cried.  I probably saw my mom cry maybe 2-3 times in my life - I told her it was nice to hear her FEEL emotions - express those emotions through tears.  I told her I truly felt that our phone conversation was a spiritual experience that I thanked her for allowing me to have with her.  I was glad to be the one who was able to help her THAT day.  It was very tender for me. I don't know how much longer I'll have my mother here on earth - not long I think. So I need a few more memories with her. - Next week will be nice to be with her.

My son in law lost his job recently, had 3 weeks off before he found another great job.  The three weeks he didn't work, he of course took care of Peyton.  A two edged sword - I loved the time off coming and going as I pleased, but I missed my daily minute to minute interaction with Peyton.  Ammon's new job has different hours and days - it's now 5 consecutive days, 9:00- 5:00 and I'm exhausted by the increase in hours and to ending later in the day.  I can't believe that those little changes have affected me so much.  Plus, Ammon and Kathryn have literally been sick for what seems like 3 weeks now.  It causes for a heavy tired feeling with everyone.  I'm surprised I haven't come down with Covid.

Okay.  I'm done.  Tired of being so negative and anxious.  I'm sooo glad we're going into the Fall and I have the NFL and BYU football to lift my spirits.  Plus, the Texas weather HAS TO CHANGE AT SOME POINT in this year.  It CAN'T be over a 100 degrees the rest of the year.  I sooo want to move back to Utah.  Don't get me started.

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