Thursday, April 16, 2009

A History Lesson

Last night, instead of watching the regular evening sitcoms, I chose to watch a special documentary about the Holocaust and then the hundred's of thousands of Jews who were killed in WW1/WW2. I was quite emotional as I heard some of the dreadful details of the executing and burning of so many of the Jews and I was quite somber.
Enter Kathryn, who is currently studying World History in school, WW1/2 to be exact. And for the following 30 minutes, she shared what she had been learning at school including names, dates and countries involved in the whole story. Several moments, I found myself with my jaw dropped to the floor as she gave such a detailed story of the events of this world war. She knew the countries involved, the leaders of those countries and their role in the war. She knew dates, places and situations that triggered the start of the war...and she knew the victims and their tender stories. Needless to say, she cast a whole new light on the story I had been watching on t.v., and both her dad and I were extremely impressed. I sooo much enjoyed her contribution to my learning experience.
Thanks Kathryn.

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