Monday, July 15, 2013

A Rare Friday Night Date

Since getting my new job, our Friday Night Dates have become non-existent.  Friday is the busiest day at the bank and we work until 6:30 p.m which usually doesn't get me home until right after 7:00 at night...and then I am exhausted!!!  So our Friday night dates have piddled away to nothing.
But last Friday, I had to take the 'early shift' of the day....meaning, I needed to OPEN the bank instead of 'closing' the bank, so I was at work at 6:30 a.m.  That, in it's self, made for a very tiring day.  I was supposed to be off by 4:00, but that's right when a whole slew of people came to the bank to cash their pay checks and for the next hour and a half, I was cashing pay checks. Finally, I was able to leave at 5:30.  I came home early, which was a surprise to Del, and we spent the next two hours making the above, YUMMY dinner...cheese stuffed chicken and jumbo shrimp, asparagus and salad...and then we just relaxed the whole rest of the evening.  It was nice...and much needed after I had come home several nights last week really irritable and grouchy from working such long days under difficult circumstances.  I tend to give my all at work and bring home the 'left over' good mood to my husband.  He gets 'what's left', which isn't much at all.  So I am trying to work on that.

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