Sunday, May 3, 2009

D&C Section 46

Today, in Gospel Doctrine class, we discussed section 46 of the D&C - the asking and seeking of gifts of the spirit. There was a specific quote given in the lesson that caused me to stop and want to ponder it's message. It was as follows:
"I fear that some members of the Lord's Church 'live far beneath the privileges' with regard to the gift of the Holy Ghost." - Joseph B. Wirthlin.
It was emphasized, the importance of both SEEKING and ASKING for the gifts of the spirit; and in this section, it enumerates what some of these gifts are. And contrary to what many think of as 'natural spiritual gifts' we are GIVEN, we are not blessed with these gifts unless we seek, ask for them and then develop them in addition to all the rest. Orson Pratt is quoted as saying "Spiritual gifts are distributed among the members of the church, according to their faithfulness, circumstances, natural abilities, duties and callings; that the whole may be properly instructed, confirmed, perfected and saved."
So, in answer to my questions the other day in my blog - why can't I just be a spectator from the sidelines of life??
I guess this section of scripture answers that question for me...what spiritual gifts should I be seeking and asking for the Lord to bless me with, so that I can bless others in the kingdom. What contribution am I supposed to be making that I am falling short on? Who is having to do without, as far as blessings from MY life, because I'm not stepping up to the plate and sharing with others the gifts of the spirit that I am to share??
This has been an enlightening day for me; a good Sabbath. Being Fast Sunday, I prayed that I would hear and feel something that would touch my heart to change my desires and attitude in wanting to give more of my life. This has been a direct answer to my prayers. This past wanting to just 'sit back and let everyone else do the work' attitude has been very easy for me to live. I justify myself by saying I work full time, I have issues and challenges that are so difficult and that I have already given so much., but in actuality, it justifies nothing. It only shows my lack of testimony and faithfulness in the Lord's work.
So, I thank my Father in Heaven for this awakening - realizing that I will need it more than just once or twice, but continually through serving in His kingdom.
A very good Sabbath and discussion of D&C 46.

1 comment:

Elaine said...

I already know of one of your gifts...writing thoughtful, inspiring, push-me-to-be-better blog. I love you!