Friday, July 31, 2009

Happy Birthday Kylie (20)

I went back to look for pictures of Kylie when she was a baby and then throughout her growing up years. But I realized at one point that digital cameras were not part of our world until she was a teenager and that currently, she has all her baby books and pictures at HER house now. So, I was only able to go through some of my favorite pictures of her and post those.
Well, she's all grown up now...not a baby, not a toddler, not a youth and not even a teenager anymore. She's finally reached her roaring 20's!!! She's a big girl now!!! Still not legal in many states, but a big girl none the less.
Lots and lots of fun memories about Kylie...what a beautiful girl - has been MOST of her life - her siblings will contend that her early teenage years were not the best - OH BROTHER!! She was in braces for crying out loud..and had an awkward growing spurt through middle school, but once she hit 14 or so, well, all *#%& broke loose (excuse my French).
Some of my most vivid memories of Kylie:
*She was my only baby to come ON her due date - our first girl. Her daddy cried when she was born. Grandma Packard was at our house.
*She and Jordan bonded immediately - Jordan held her all the time.
*She started crawling dragging one of her legs - we called her 'peg leg'.
*She was bald - completely bald until almost age three...and then the curls came in ALL over.
*Spoke real nasally so we had her tonsils and adenoids removed.
*Hated to have her hair washed - her long pretty curls just got sooo tangled. One Sunday, she was fussing so much that I pulled her out of the tub and chopped off all her curls. (pre-prozac days). Went to church where Del saw her new haircut and said how 'cute it was'. ARGH!!!!
*Family camping trip to Scout Mountain- Kylie was priceless - meaning, I would have paid ANY price for someone to take her...although VERY cute, also very bossy to her little sister...but to this day, it is our favorite family video to watch.
*riding her little bike in front of the house in Pocatello Idaho - back and forth, back and forth.
*best friends with Katie Frost - spent every waking moment and many sleepovers with Katie.
*was Mrs. Santa in the school play.
*friends - Katie, Charlie Gardner, Lindsey Alley and the neighbor family, the Jones.
*moved to Utah - none of the girls liked Kylie, but all the boys did. A rough 5th/6th grade for her. The friends she DID have..Sterling King, Jocelyn Dobsen, and the neighbors. Played a lot of night games with everyone, but mostly hung out with Jordan.
*moved to Texas and 'life began' for Kylie as we know it. A very good move for Kylie.
volleyball, Young Women's, volleyball, boyfriends, volleyball, EFY's, volleyball, dating, driving, church, Seminary, volleyball..Lauren McKean - several jobs, LACEY, volleyball etc etc...

And now, she's married - of course, her high school years had much more to write about, and then her off to college and then engagement - but just too much to write. I guess it all comes to today. She's 20 and a wife, employee, daughter and sister. She's loved and adored by sooo many people. Such a good friend to ALL the friends she has... such a good sister to her siblings, such a good daughter to us...
Overall - she is very much loved, especially by me - well, her dad kind of likes her - oh, and Jordan still has her as his favorite - and then of course, there's Michael who will claim that HE loves her more than anything or I guess I can't make claims to her anymore than she's my daughter and I'm the ONLY one that gave birth to her!!!
Love you KY -FRY and Happy Birthday!!!


Kylie C. said...

That was a very cute blog. I loved reading some of YOUR favorite memories about ME. That's great! Thanks Mom. Love you!

Gavin and Shawna said...

Wow...that's quite the tribute from a mommy...that is very sweet that you two are obviously very close!!
Happy B-day Kylie!!

Adam and Jess said...

What a beauty!! Let's just say I never looked that good, or fit, in high school. I love her gold prom dress. That was such a sweet post